Oefenen.nl is a space where you can learn Dutch language at home for free!

Oefenen.nl offers free Dutch learning courses for beginners (NT2 program) as well as more advanced courses (NT1 program).

Follow these 3 easy steps and start your Dutch journey.

  1. Translate the website to your desired language with the Google “Select language” tool in the top right corner of the page.
  2. Sign up and answer 3 simple questions to define your level of Dutch.
  3. Choose a course and learn!

For beginners we highly recommend starting with Taalklas.nl courses.

Taalklas.nl 1

With Taalklas.nl 1, you will mainly learn new words, a lot of new words. You watch videos and cheerful songs with the words. Then you practise with those words. You learn to pronounce the words, and to read and write them. And you get handy language tips.

Language level: 0 – A1

Taalklas.nl 1 | Leer Nederlands online | Oefenen.nl (overoefenen.nl)

Taalklas.nl 2

Taalklas.nl 2 is a continuation of Taalklas.nl 1. The lessons are slightly more difficult. You learn words and sentences while practising your reading and writing skills. Each chapter is accompanied by two videos, which together create a story. In each chapter you learn new words and question-answer sentences.

Language level: 0 – A1

Taalklas.nl 2 – Oefenen.nl (overoefenen.nl)

Taalklas.nl Plus

With Taalklas.nl Plus you will learn about 300 new words and sentences on everyday topics. Taalklas.nl Plus is a continuation of the previous Taalklas.nl series and is a good steppingstone to the Read and Write! (Lees en Schrijf!) programmes. Taalklas.nl Plus works on your speaking, conversational, reading, and writing skills as well as on vocabulary, grammar, spelling, and pronunciation. This program contains 4 tests.

Language level: A1/Introductory level

Taalklas.nl Plus | Leer Nederlands | Oefenprogramma op Oefenen.nl (overoefenen.nl)


More Oefenen.nl courses

Find more courses at different levels here:

Taal | Oefenen.nl